For Stu: Rokugan by GURPSlight!
Mar 27, 2013 17:00:29 GMT -8
Post by carrotandstick on Mar 27, 2013 17:00:29 GMT -8
Legend of the Five Rings – Powered by GURPS
Inspired by Stu's love of GURPS and his own foray into the wonderful setting of Rokugan as well as my own personal hangups about the Roll & Keep system, I present to you my conversion in progress.
Please keep in mind that I will attempt to copy the setting, not the rules (as any system conversion should be) and that this is not an attack on the Roll & Keep system (which, despite some quirks that prompted this conversion, I am rather fond of) or on Alderac (who I am also rather fond of). I am attempting this conversion using only five books: Basic Set, Low Tech, Martial Arts, Thaumatology and Magic, and to do so without creating ANY new rules (I failed at that, but only a little! See Shugenja, below).
Disclaimer out of the way, let's begin shall we?
All Samurai characters should begin play with the following package (GM permission due to back-story and clan notwithstanding):
Code of Honour (Bushido) +15 Points
Protect and guide those of lesser Celestial station.
Show courage in the face of death.
Be courteous and well-mannered at all times.
Honour your duty to Emperor, Lord, clan and family.
Do not speak a lie or utter false promises.
This is a VERY quick and dirty summary of Rokugani Bushido. While this background applies across all Samurai culture, I recommend that Scorpion clan players be allowed to make this an “informal” level of Code of Honour, reducing the points gained to +10. Keep in mind that this will not stop other Samurai with the full version acting on their Code of Honour...
Duty (Always, Extremely hazardous) +20 Points
Intolerance (Non-Rokugani) +10 Points
Characters such as Mantis or Unicorn (or really inscrupulous Scorpion) should consider buying this disadvantage off, or buying down to a reduced version.
Status 1 (Samurai) -5 Points
To explain this one:
+8 - The Emperor, The Empress, The Voice of the Emperor, The Emperor’s Children, Daimyo of the Miya, Otomo, & Seppun
+7 - Emerald Champion, Jade Champion, Shogun, Imperial Chancellor, Imperial Advisor, Clan Champion, The Imperial Herald, The Imperial Treasurer, Great Clan Family Daimyo
+6 - Hatamoto (A daimyo’s chief retainer), Provincial Governor, Rikugunshokan (Commander of an army), Shireikan (Commander of multiple legions)
+5 - Vassal Family Daimyo, City Governor, Chui (Commander of a military company), Taisa (Commander of a military legion)
+4 - Revered Sensei, Magistrates, Karo (chief advisor to a lord)
+3 - Imperial Family Samurai, Gunso (Commander of a military squadron)
+2 - Shisha (Imperial messenger), Diplomat, Gokenin (estate manager)
+1 - Samurai, Hohei (Military private), Nikutai (Second-in-command of a gunso), Monks
+0 - Ronin, Peasant levies (Ashigaru, Budoka)
-1 - Entertainers, Geisha, Leatherworkers, Butchers, Merchants
-2 - Torturers, Gravediggers, Ninja
Signature Gear ($2,500) -5 Points
Katana $650
Wakazashi (treat as Short Sword) $400
Armour: The basic design of an O-Yori is tightly bound segmented plates of metal over a heavy fabric undergarment. Most Samurai not immediately lining up for mass battle will favour Light armour for portability and comfort. Heavy armour is usually worn only by the Crab or the strongest of Lion Bushi.
Armour is individualised between clans, craftsmen, schools of combat and even individual Samurai. See page 100 of Low Tech for cost and weight of armour pieces. An example Light armour set (DR3) is provided below:
Torso, shoulder, upper arm and forearm, thigh (armoured skirt) and shin: $768, 38.4lb
Base torso costs for those wishing to customise:
Light - $320
Medium - $550
Heavy - $1,100
Characters should also decide if any of their relationships (lord, sensei, family etc.) warrant taking Patron, and work out the details with the GM. Base power should range from 10 Points (Minor clan or small family of a Major clan) to 20 Points (Imperial family member).
Depending on the tone of your game, I recommend requiring starting Bushi characters to take Weapon Master in their most appropriate weapon(s). To quote GURPS Martial Arts: "The simplest option [for a Cinematic but still realistic feel] is to permit no superhuman abilities other than Heroic Archer, Trained by a Master, Weapon Master, and cinematic skills."
For those seeking something with a little more classic Kurosawa vibe, you should disallow cinematic techniques.
(Eventually I may get around to going through Martial Arts page by page and listing my suggestions for exactly which skills and techniques are appropriate, but for now just keep in mind that cutting opponent's swords in two and striking down two foes with a single quick-draw are things Bushi do; leaping through the trees and cracking boulders with a single punch are things Monks do. Allow skills, techniques and powers appropriately!)
Bushi and Courtiers should choose skills relevant to their schools of training. Most Bushi schools will also suit certain Advantages, Techniques and other bonuses. I highly recommend reading the school's narrative description rather than its techniques (although their Skill lists should translate almost exactly). For example, where a Hida Bushi might invest in Hard to Kill and Hard to Subdue, a Kakita Duelist might buy up their Basic Speed and Perception, as well as their Quick Draw skill.
Shugenja are a significantly different arrangement, with their own set of mandatory purchases:
Clerical Investment -5 Points
Speak to Kami (as Magery) 1 -15 Points
Detect Kami -10 Points
Shugenja magic uses two variants on normal GURPS spellcasting:
Firstly, Shugenja cast spells as Ritual Magic (sidebar, Basic Set p.242) with the core skill being Religious Ritual (which is now a Will skill) and the college skills being the titular Five Rings; Fire, Earth, Wind, Water, and Void. Characters will start with a minimum of 1 Point in Religious Ritual as well as various ratings in the Ring skills. These starting numbers can be taken from the character's Shugenja school entry in the L5R core rules, or my write-ups (when done) listed below.
In addition (and the below is just about the ONLY custom rule in this conversion), the Kami will only favour Shugenja who adhere to their elemental ideal.
A character must have a base statistic equal to or higher than their matching Ring - 2: ST for Water, DX for Fire, IQ for Air and HT for Earth. For example, a Shugenja wishing to specialise in Water magic must always have a ST equal to or higher than his Water Ring skill - 2.
In addition, for every Ring rank above Default+2 (e.g. 3 or higher), the character must take either: +1 in the element's associated attribute (ST for Water, DX for Fire, IQ for Air and HT for Earth(; 5 points in Advantages relating to the associated Attribute; OR 5 Points of Vow or other thematically appropriate disadvantage. Note that a unique purchase for each skill rank is not required; a Fire Shugenja who takes Combat Reflexes (15 Points) on acquiring Fire Ring 3 could then advance to Fire Ring 5 at a later point without any additional purchase of Attributes, Advantages or Disadvantages (3 skill advances = 15 points of required advantage/disadvantage).
This does mean that Shugenja do have rather stringent statistic requirements.
Lastly (and slightly backwards for those familiar with GURPS), a Shugenja's skill in Religious Ritual is restricted by her highest Ring Technique (as applied to spellcasting). If a character's highest ring is 4, then the most benefit they can get from their Religious Ritual skill is another +4. This is NOT ring specific! If same character wanted to cast a spell for which their Ring was 2, they still get the +4.
In summary:
~ Shugenjas use Ritual Casting based on Religious Ritual (which is now a VH Will skill)
~ The Ritual Casting uses 5 techniques; Fire, Earth, Wind, Water andHeartVoid.
~ Shugenjas must take +1 in the relevant Attribute, 5 points of Advantages associated with said Attribute or 5 points of Vow or religiously appropriate disadvantage for every point of Ring Technique above 2.
~ A character's Religious Ritual skill is limited by the character's best Ring Technique.
See! Only looks complicated!
/custom rule
To buy ranks in or even to use the Default for the Void Ring, the Shugenja requires the Unusual Background advantage as well as suitable character justification. Interpretation of the above rules should be an ongoing discussion between player and GM, for the Void Kami are a mystery indeed...
Secondly, Shugenja use Threshold-Limited Magic (Thaumatology p.76) with the Automatic Maintenance option, a Tally of 30 and a daily Tally Regeneration equal to the sum of their Speak to Kami and Rings. This means that starting Shugenja start a bit less powerful over long periods of in-game time (Thaumatology recommends a flat regeneration of 8) but can eventually become truly mighty as their skill and mastery increase.
The Calamity table has been thematically modified as follows, but otherwise follows the same rules set down in Thaumaturgy:
3-7 – The Kami see fit to grant your request...this time.
8 – Spell produces a murmur of incoherent whispers, flickering images and lights, bizarre odors, etc. as the Kami express their disapproval. Any attempt at a stealthy casting fails automatically.
9 – Shugenja is stunned (IQ roll to recover).
10 – Shugenja suffers the equivalent of an occurrence of the Phantom Voices disadvantage at the -5 point level, lasting 2d minutes.
11 – An annoyed or upset Kami with powers related to the type of magic attempted manifests and makes trouble for the Shugenja for 1d+2 seconds, and then vanishes.
12 – Shugenja takes 1d of injury and hears quiet laughter from the Kami.
13 – If the Shugenja attempts to cast the same spell again during the next 1d weeks, he must roll vs. HT. Failure means the spell fails and he’s struck mute for 1d minutes. Success lets him cast normally.
14 – Spell affects someone or something other than its intended target – friend, foe, or random object. Roll randomly or (preferably) make a plausible choice in the persona of a whimsical Kami.
15 – Spell produces the reverse of the intended effect.
16 – Spell has the reverse of the intended effect, on the wrong target (roll randomly).
17 – Spell is cast on one of the Shugenja’s companions (if harmful) or on a random nearby foe (if beneficial).
18 – Spell is cast on Shugenja (if harmful) or on a random nearby foe (if beneficial).
19 – The Shugenja's grasp of his own power weakens. Reduce his threshold by 2d+5 for the next 1d weeks. The Shugenja is aware that his threshold has fallen...but not by how much.
20 – As 19, but threshold reduction is 4d+10 and the effect lasts 1d months. In addition, all of the Shugenja’s spells at -3 to skill for 2d weeks.
21 – The Shugenja gains the Radically Unstable Magery limitation (p. 26) at the -30% level. If he already has then it becomes the -50% version. If he already has that – or if he lacks Magery – then any attempt to cast a spell results in an automatic critical failure. In all cases, the problem lasts for 1d+1 weeks.
22 – An extremely powerful Kami of the element the Shugenja is attempting to use manifests, with a dangerous attitude toward the Shugenja for his presumptuous and arrogant request. It may simply attack, but it’s more likely set out to dissuade the Shugenja and everyone else from such discourteous manners. It might deliver educational very public harm to the Shugenja, or it might whisk him off to the Celestial Realms for a lecture in manners lasting several weeks. The GM is encouraged to use their imagination.
23 – Shugenja gains a -5-point disadvantage of the GM’s choice. After 3d days, he has the option of buying it off for bonus character points (it simply fades away). If he lacks the points, or doesn’t want to spend them, then the disadvantage becomes permanent. Any disadvantage is possible – the Shugenja can become ugly, marginally insane, etc., at the GM’s whim.
24 – As 23, but the disadvantage is worth -10 points, and costs 5 points to buy off.
25 – As 23, but the disadvantage is worth -15 points, and costs 7 points to buy off.
26 – Shugenja loses the ability to cast a single spell, chosen at random from his spell list, permanently. He still knows the spell, and it can still count as a prerequisite, but he can never cast it.
27 – As 23, but there are multiple disadvantages worth -30 points in total, and costing 15 points to buy off.
28 – As 21, but the problem lasts for 1d+1 months. At the end of that period, the Shugenja must roll against Will + Threshold Magery. Failure means that the condition becomes permanent. In extreme cases, this can cause the permanent loss of useful spellcasting ability.
29 – Shugenja permanently loses 1d5 points of advantages, attributes, and/or secondary characteristics. Determine what’s lost randomly. Remember: at this level or higher, the spell may fail.
30 – Shugenja’s skill with all spells is reduced by 3d+5. This penalty “heals” at a rate of -1 per day.
31 – As 30, but “healing rate” is only -1 per week.
32 – Shugenja ages 2d+13 years.
33 – Shugenja becomes a living “mana-scar”! Within a 3d-mile radius of the Shugenja, casting and maintenance costs double (in terms of tally additions and, if regular spellcasting is possible in the setting, energy cost), and tally recovery halts. This effect lasts for 3d weeks. It also ends in the event of the Shugenja’s death. Enemies or impatient allies may decide on a quick solution . . .
34 – A plague or a curse (locusts, storms, etc.) descends on the region, lasting for 3d weeks. No one will be able trace this to the Shugenja, but he’ll be aware that it’s his fault. This can drive a benevolent Shugenja mad as he witnesses the suffering and destruction. Even vicious Shugenjas may be inconvenienced – and worry that they’ll somehow be blamed. The GM should be capricious and cruel.
35 – Shugenja permanently loses the ability to cast spells (but not the knowledge – small comfort). The generous GM can treat this as a Divine Curse disadvantage (p. B132); the Shugenja might have a chance of eliminating the problem, given heroic effort or perhaps impressive and profound theological research or prayer and sacrifice.
36-39 – As 35, plus something permanent happens to the state of magic in a moderate to large region around the place where casting went wrong. Perhaps all spells are cast at -2 in that kingdom from then on, or a certain class of spells functions erratically. The GM should be creative! If the Shugenja is found to be the culprit (and every concerned and able group will have a diviner on the job), then he could be a hunted man. Others may assume that killing him will remove the curse; they might be right. The Shugenja cannot get rid of the personal effect (if at all) without removing the problem from the region, and vice-versa.
40+ – As 30-39, but the change is global. In addition, the Shugenja must make a Will + Threshold Magery roll. Failure means he’s consumed in a backlash of magical energy and explodes: he dies automatically (reduced to -10HP) and explosion does (Threshold Magery + sum of Rings) dice of crushing explosive damage! Success on the HT-6 roll means a less dramatic backlash: the Shugenja takes 2d dice of damage and doesn’t explode. If this kills him, then the global change may fade over a period of weeks or years – or it may stand as a memorial to his folly.
Cumulative Effects: If the Shugenja rolls a temporary effect from which he’s already suffering, then both any quantitative penalties suffered and the duration of the effect are cumulative. If the Shugenja rolls an effect (temporary or permanent) that’s a version of a problem he already has, then increase the problem’s level or intensity; reduce a relevant self-control number by one step, where appropriate; or reroll, if neither is possible.
The L5R system's unique Honour rank system can be folded neatly into Reputation alongside Glory. As you act honourably or dishonourably in front of your peers, your name and reputation will spread. Players wishing to emulate the more stringent requirements of a high Honour score should look into Advantages or Disadvantages.
Rank functions exactly as written in GURPS.
For both of the above, the guideline I apply to Status works for these as well; -2, then round down to the nearest integer.
I will write them up properly soon. =)
Skills remain the same. However, Rokugani concepts of Honour mean that certain skills are honourable, dishonourable, or some grey area between. The L5R core rulebook seperates skills into four distinct categories that can aid players and GMs in determining good character decisions and upright conduct. I have done the same with the GURPS skill list for your convenience with one additional category, Monk skills.
Always remember that skills can come in many shades, and there are High skills with dishonourable applications and Low skills that can be turned to honourable purpose. Just ask a Crab artillerist whether he consideres the use of Gaijin Pepper to be dishonourable...
High Skills are those skills considered honourable for a Samurai to know and practice. Most Courtier skills fall into this category and demonstrating significant skill or knowledge in one or more of these fields might enhance a Courtier's Reputation.
Low Skills are outright dishonourable and no honourable Samurai would dare be caught with even knowledge of such skills. Of course, not all Samurai are honourable, and some low skills have applications that are perhaps tacitly accepted. Low skills generally fall into three subcategoies; dishonesty, dealing with gaijin, and touching flesh.
Merchant Skills are neither high nor low, covering the more mundane skills and knowledges of life. While not dishonourable per se, few Samurai would openly advertise talent with many of these skills.
Bugei Skills are those explicitly taught to Bushi, although those of a less martial bent will certainly study personal defense of some kind; after all, a Samurai lives at all times only three feet from death, whether warrior or courtier.
Monk Skills are skills of a preternatural or overtly supernatural nature. While many Bushi and Shugenja can and do seek these techniques out, their status as requiring special training in both the physical and spiritual mean that not every Bushi can achieve such legendary talents Shugenja stand a better chance of success.
Archaeology [While a High skill in theory, actually pottering around in the dirt would class as a Merchant skill at best.]
Armoury [While normally a Merchant skill, craft skills dealing with weapons and armour are considered High.]
Biology [While a High skill in theory, actually pottering around in the dirt would class as a Merchant skill at best.]
Body Language
Carousing [...when used among high society. This can very easily become a Low skill for visiting the sake dens and gambling houses of the City of Lies for example.]
Combat Art [Distinct from Combat Sport, which is a Bugei skill.]
Current Affairs [Except for Business, which is Merchant]
Detect Lies
Esoteric Medicine
Forensics [...useful, but generally considered an oddity ora hobby - See the L5R core rulebook for Rokugan's interesting version of legal process.]
Gesture [Possibly a Bugei skill for scouts of any stripe.]
Group Performance [New specialisation: Tea Ceremony (see above).]
Herb Lore
Hobby Skill
Mimicry [Low skill when mimicing human voices.]
Mind Block
Musical Composition
Musical Instrument
Occultism [Low uses of this skill are covered by Forbidden Lore.]
Pharmacy (herbal)
Public Speaking
Public Speaking
Savior-Faire [ Carousing, when used among high or martial society.]
Speed Reading
Theology [Functions as Thaumatology in this setting.]
Cryptography [...technically. All clans have a cypher, and all warfare is based on deception.]
Erotic Art
Explosives [Gaijin again.]
Forced Entry
Hazardous Materials (The Taint)
Hidden Lore
Intelligence Analysis
Invisibility Art
Linguistics [Why need gaijin language? Considered High if studying the language of non-human races native to Rokugan such as the Naga.]
Lip Reading
Sex Appeal
Sleight of Hand
Urban Survival
Animal Handling
Area Knowledge
Engineer (Artillery, Civil, Combat)
Expert Skill
Freight Handling
Knot-Tying [This skill has several Low uses.]
Leatherworking [Working with the actual dead flesh is a Low skill.]
Market Analysis
Professional Skill
Smith [Considered High for Weapon and Armoursmiths]
Blind Fighting
Breath Control
Combat Sport
First Aid [Contact with flesh is usually considered Low, but the battlefield is an acknowledged exception to the rule.)
Flying Leap
Forward Observer
Melee Weapon
Mental Strength
Parry Missile Weapon
Power Blow
Riding [Also a High skill]
Stage Combat
Sumo Wrestling
Throwing Art
Thrown Weapon
Zen Archery
Body Control
Breaking Blow
Immovable Stance
Light Walk
Pressure Points
Pressure Secrets
Religious Ritual
Random ancestor tables from 2e and 3e
COurtier schools, School final points values
Spells organised by element
Frakking Monks – how do they work?
Inspired by Stu's love of GURPS and his own foray into the wonderful setting of Rokugan as well as my own personal hangups about the Roll & Keep system, I present to you my conversion in progress.
Please keep in mind that I will attempt to copy the setting, not the rules (as any system conversion should be) and that this is not an attack on the Roll & Keep system (which, despite some quirks that prompted this conversion, I am rather fond of) or on Alderac (who I am also rather fond of). I am attempting this conversion using only five books: Basic Set, Low Tech, Martial Arts, Thaumatology and Magic, and to do so without creating ANY new rules (I failed at that, but only a little! See Shugenja, below).
Disclaimer out of the way, let's begin shall we?
All Samurai characters should begin play with the following package (GM permission due to back-story and clan notwithstanding):
Code of Honour (Bushido) +15 Points
Protect and guide those of lesser Celestial station.
Show courage in the face of death.
Be courteous and well-mannered at all times.
Honour your duty to Emperor, Lord, clan and family.
Do not speak a lie or utter false promises.
This is a VERY quick and dirty summary of Rokugani Bushido. While this background applies across all Samurai culture, I recommend that Scorpion clan players be allowed to make this an “informal” level of Code of Honour, reducing the points gained to +10. Keep in mind that this will not stop other Samurai with the full version acting on their Code of Honour...
Duty (Always, Extremely hazardous) +20 Points
Intolerance (Non-Rokugani) +10 Points
Characters such as Mantis or Unicorn (or really inscrupulous Scorpion) should consider buying this disadvantage off, or buying down to a reduced version.
Status 1 (Samurai) -5 Points
To explain this one:
+8 - The Emperor, The Empress, The Voice of the Emperor, The Emperor’s Children, Daimyo of the Miya, Otomo, & Seppun
+7 - Emerald Champion, Jade Champion, Shogun, Imperial Chancellor, Imperial Advisor, Clan Champion, The Imperial Herald, The Imperial Treasurer, Great Clan Family Daimyo
+6 - Hatamoto (A daimyo’s chief retainer), Provincial Governor, Rikugunshokan (Commander of an army), Shireikan (Commander of multiple legions)
+5 - Vassal Family Daimyo, City Governor, Chui (Commander of a military company), Taisa (Commander of a military legion)
+4 - Revered Sensei, Magistrates, Karo (chief advisor to a lord)
+3 - Imperial Family Samurai, Gunso (Commander of a military squadron)
+2 - Shisha (Imperial messenger), Diplomat, Gokenin (estate manager)
+1 - Samurai, Hohei (Military private), Nikutai (Second-in-command of a gunso), Monks
+0 - Ronin, Peasant levies (Ashigaru, Budoka)
-1 - Entertainers, Geisha, Leatherworkers, Butchers, Merchants
-2 - Torturers, Gravediggers, Ninja
Signature Gear ($2,500) -5 Points
Katana $650
Wakazashi (treat as Short Sword) $400
Armour: The basic design of an O-Yori is tightly bound segmented plates of metal over a heavy fabric undergarment. Most Samurai not immediately lining up for mass battle will favour Light armour for portability and comfort. Heavy armour is usually worn only by the Crab or the strongest of Lion Bushi.
Armour is individualised between clans, craftsmen, schools of combat and even individual Samurai. See page 100 of Low Tech for cost and weight of armour pieces. An example Light armour set (DR3) is provided below:
Torso, shoulder, upper arm and forearm, thigh (armoured skirt) and shin: $768, 38.4lb
Base torso costs for those wishing to customise:
Light - $320
Medium - $550
Heavy - $1,100
Characters should also decide if any of their relationships (lord, sensei, family etc.) warrant taking Patron, and work out the details with the GM. Base power should range from 10 Points (Minor clan or small family of a Major clan) to 20 Points (Imperial family member).
Depending on the tone of your game, I recommend requiring starting Bushi characters to take Weapon Master in their most appropriate weapon(s). To quote GURPS Martial Arts: "The simplest option [for a Cinematic but still realistic feel] is to permit no superhuman abilities other than Heroic Archer, Trained by a Master, Weapon Master, and cinematic skills."
For those seeking something with a little more classic Kurosawa vibe, you should disallow cinematic techniques.
(Eventually I may get around to going through Martial Arts page by page and listing my suggestions for exactly which skills and techniques are appropriate, but for now just keep in mind that cutting opponent's swords in two and striking down two foes with a single quick-draw are things Bushi do; leaping through the trees and cracking boulders with a single punch are things Monks do. Allow skills, techniques and powers appropriately!)
Bushi and Courtiers should choose skills relevant to their schools of training. Most Bushi schools will also suit certain Advantages, Techniques and other bonuses. I highly recommend reading the school's narrative description rather than its techniques (although their Skill lists should translate almost exactly). For example, where a Hida Bushi might invest in Hard to Kill and Hard to Subdue, a Kakita Duelist might buy up their Basic Speed and Perception, as well as their Quick Draw skill.
Shugenja are a significantly different arrangement, with their own set of mandatory purchases:
Clerical Investment -5 Points
Speak to Kami (as Magery) 1 -15 Points
Detect Kami -10 Points
Shugenja magic uses two variants on normal GURPS spellcasting:
Firstly, Shugenja cast spells as Ritual Magic (sidebar, Basic Set p.242) with the core skill being Religious Ritual (which is now a Will skill) and the college skills being the titular Five Rings; Fire, Earth, Wind, Water, and Void. Characters will start with a minimum of 1 Point in Religious Ritual as well as various ratings in the Ring skills. These starting numbers can be taken from the character's Shugenja school entry in the L5R core rules, or my write-ups (when done) listed below.
In addition (and the below is just about the ONLY custom rule in this conversion), the Kami will only favour Shugenja who adhere to their elemental ideal.
A character must have a base statistic equal to or higher than their matching Ring - 2: ST for Water, DX for Fire, IQ for Air and HT for Earth. For example, a Shugenja wishing to specialise in Water magic must always have a ST equal to or higher than his Water Ring skill - 2.
In addition, for every Ring rank above Default+2 (e.g. 3 or higher), the character must take either: +1 in the element's associated attribute (ST for Water, DX for Fire, IQ for Air and HT for Earth(; 5 points in Advantages relating to the associated Attribute; OR 5 Points of Vow or other thematically appropriate disadvantage. Note that a unique purchase for each skill rank is not required; a Fire Shugenja who takes Combat Reflexes (15 Points) on acquiring Fire Ring 3 could then advance to Fire Ring 5 at a later point without any additional purchase of Attributes, Advantages or Disadvantages (3 skill advances = 15 points of required advantage/disadvantage).
This does mean that Shugenja do have rather stringent statistic requirements.
Lastly (and slightly backwards for those familiar with GURPS), a Shugenja's skill in Religious Ritual is restricted by her highest Ring Technique (as applied to spellcasting). If a character's highest ring is 4, then the most benefit they can get from their Religious Ritual skill is another +4. This is NOT ring specific! If same character wanted to cast a spell for which their Ring was 2, they still get the +4.
Wait, what? Why?
Because I looked at the above custom rule, which I think is pretty dang nifty and in-keeping with L5R and thought to myself "Why not just buy Religious Ritual forever?"
So that's why.
I'm okay with these rules being a little complicated because they won't come up in play, just character advancement. As long as the Shugenja player understands how the numbers all work (and it's not that complicated, I promise; I just suck at explaining it) play should be smooth and easy.
In summary:
~ Shugenjas use Ritual Casting based on Religious Ritual (which is now a VH Will skill)
~ The Ritual Casting uses 5 techniques; Fire, Earth, Wind, Water and
~ Shugenjas must take +1 in the relevant Attribute, 5 points of Advantages associated with said Attribute or 5 points of Vow or religiously appropriate disadvantage for every point of Ring Technique above 2.
~ A character's Religious Ritual skill is limited by the character's best Ring Technique.
See! Only looks complicated!
/custom rule
To buy ranks in or even to use the Default for the Void Ring, the Shugenja requires the Unusual Background advantage as well as suitable character justification. Interpretation of the above rules should be an ongoing discussion between player and GM, for the Void Kami are a mystery indeed...
But where's my Void stat?
The attribute of Void was, for me, never adequately explained except as a necessity for an 'action point' system with a theo/philosophical base. It's function in terms of character development can be adequately reproduced with skills and advantages.
Secondly, Shugenja use Threshold-Limited Magic (Thaumatology p.76) with the Automatic Maintenance option, a Tally of 30 and a daily Tally Regeneration equal to the sum of their Speak to Kami and Rings. This means that starting Shugenja start a bit less powerful over long periods of in-game time (Thaumatology recommends a flat regeneration of 8) but can eventually become truly mighty as their skill and mastery increase.
The Calamity table has been thematically modified as follows, but otherwise follows the same rules set down in Thaumaturgy:
3-7 – The Kami see fit to grant your request...this time.
8 – Spell produces a murmur of incoherent whispers, flickering images and lights, bizarre odors, etc. as the Kami express their disapproval. Any attempt at a stealthy casting fails automatically.
9 – Shugenja is stunned (IQ roll to recover).
10 – Shugenja suffers the equivalent of an occurrence of the Phantom Voices disadvantage at the -5 point level, lasting 2d minutes.
11 – An annoyed or upset Kami with powers related to the type of magic attempted manifests and makes trouble for the Shugenja for 1d+2 seconds, and then vanishes.
12 – Shugenja takes 1d of injury and hears quiet laughter from the Kami.
13 – If the Shugenja attempts to cast the same spell again during the next 1d weeks, he must roll vs. HT. Failure means the spell fails and he’s struck mute for 1d minutes. Success lets him cast normally.
14 – Spell affects someone or something other than its intended target – friend, foe, or random object. Roll randomly or (preferably) make a plausible choice in the persona of a whimsical Kami.
15 – Spell produces the reverse of the intended effect.
16 – Spell has the reverse of the intended effect, on the wrong target (roll randomly).
17 – Spell is cast on one of the Shugenja’s companions (if harmful) or on a random nearby foe (if beneficial).
18 – Spell is cast on Shugenja (if harmful) or on a random nearby foe (if beneficial).
19 – The Shugenja's grasp of his own power weakens. Reduce his threshold by 2d+5 for the next 1d weeks. The Shugenja is aware that his threshold has fallen...but not by how much.
20 – As 19, but threshold reduction is 4d+10 and the effect lasts 1d months. In addition, all of the Shugenja’s spells at -3 to skill for 2d weeks.
21 – The Shugenja gains the Radically Unstable Magery limitation (p. 26) at the -30% level. If he already has then it becomes the -50% version. If he already has that – or if he lacks Magery – then any attempt to cast a spell results in an automatic critical failure. In all cases, the problem lasts for 1d+1 weeks.
22 – An extremely powerful Kami of the element the Shugenja is attempting to use manifests, with a dangerous attitude toward the Shugenja for his presumptuous and arrogant request. It may simply attack, but it’s more likely set out to dissuade the Shugenja and everyone else from such discourteous manners. It might deliver educational very public harm to the Shugenja, or it might whisk him off to the Celestial Realms for a lecture in manners lasting several weeks. The GM is encouraged to use their imagination.
23 – Shugenja gains a -5-point disadvantage of the GM’s choice. After 3d days, he has the option of buying it off for bonus character points (it simply fades away). If he lacks the points, or doesn’t want to spend them, then the disadvantage becomes permanent. Any disadvantage is possible – the Shugenja can become ugly, marginally insane, etc., at the GM’s whim.
24 – As 23, but the disadvantage is worth -10 points, and costs 5 points to buy off.
25 – As 23, but the disadvantage is worth -15 points, and costs 7 points to buy off.
26 – Shugenja loses the ability to cast a single spell, chosen at random from his spell list, permanently. He still knows the spell, and it can still count as a prerequisite, but he can never cast it.
27 – As 23, but there are multiple disadvantages worth -30 points in total, and costing 15 points to buy off.
28 – As 21, but the problem lasts for 1d+1 months. At the end of that period, the Shugenja must roll against Will + Threshold Magery. Failure means that the condition becomes permanent. In extreme cases, this can cause the permanent loss of useful spellcasting ability.
29 – Shugenja permanently loses 1d5 points of advantages, attributes, and/or secondary characteristics. Determine what’s lost randomly. Remember: at this level or higher, the spell may fail.
30 – Shugenja’s skill with all spells is reduced by 3d+5. This penalty “heals” at a rate of -1 per day.
31 – As 30, but “healing rate” is only -1 per week.
32 – Shugenja ages 2d+13 years.
33 – Shugenja becomes a living “mana-scar”! Within a 3d-mile radius of the Shugenja, casting and maintenance costs double (in terms of tally additions and, if regular spellcasting is possible in the setting, energy cost), and tally recovery halts. This effect lasts for 3d weeks. It also ends in the event of the Shugenja’s death. Enemies or impatient allies may decide on a quick solution . . .
34 – A plague or a curse (locusts, storms, etc.) descends on the region, lasting for 3d weeks. No one will be able trace this to the Shugenja, but he’ll be aware that it’s his fault. This can drive a benevolent Shugenja mad as he witnesses the suffering and destruction. Even vicious Shugenjas may be inconvenienced – and worry that they’ll somehow be blamed. The GM should be capricious and cruel.
35 – Shugenja permanently loses the ability to cast spells (but not the knowledge – small comfort). The generous GM can treat this as a Divine Curse disadvantage (p. B132); the Shugenja might have a chance of eliminating the problem, given heroic effort or perhaps impressive and profound theological research or prayer and sacrifice.
36-39 – As 35, plus something permanent happens to the state of magic in a moderate to large region around the place where casting went wrong. Perhaps all spells are cast at -2 in that kingdom from then on, or a certain class of spells functions erratically. The GM should be creative! If the Shugenja is found to be the culprit (and every concerned and able group will have a diviner on the job), then he could be a hunted man. Others may assume that killing him will remove the curse; they might be right. The Shugenja cannot get rid of the personal effect (if at all) without removing the problem from the region, and vice-versa.
40+ – As 30-39, but the change is global. In addition, the Shugenja must make a Will + Threshold Magery roll. Failure means he’s consumed in a backlash of magical energy and explodes: he dies automatically (reduced to -10HP) and explosion does (Threshold Magery + sum of Rings) dice of crushing explosive damage! Success on the HT-6 roll means a less dramatic backlash: the Shugenja takes 2d dice of damage and doesn’t explode. If this kills him, then the global change may fade over a period of weeks or years – or it may stand as a memorial to his folly.
Cumulative Effects: If the Shugenja rolls a temporary effect from which he’s already suffering, then both any quantitative penalties suffered and the duration of the effect are cumulative. If the Shugenja rolls an effect (temporary or permanent) that’s a version of a problem he already has, then increase the problem’s level or intensity; reduce a relevant self-control number by one step, where appropriate; or reroll, if neither is possible.
The L5R system's unique Honour rank system can be folded neatly into Reputation alongside Glory. As you act honourably or dishonourably in front of your peers, your name and reputation will spread. Players wishing to emulate the more stringent requirements of a high Honour score should look into Advantages or Disadvantages.
Rank functions exactly as written in GURPS.
For both of the above, the guideline I apply to Status works for these as well; -2, then round down to the nearest integer.
I will write them up properly soon. =)
Skills remain the same. However, Rokugani concepts of Honour mean that certain skills are honourable, dishonourable, or some grey area between. The L5R core rulebook seperates skills into four distinct categories that can aid players and GMs in determining good character decisions and upright conduct. I have done the same with the GURPS skill list for your convenience with one additional category, Monk skills.
Always remember that skills can come in many shades, and there are High skills with dishonourable applications and Low skills that can be turned to honourable purpose. Just ask a Crab artillerist whether he consideres the use of Gaijin Pepper to be dishonourable...
High Skills are those skills considered honourable for a Samurai to know and practice. Most Courtier skills fall into this category and demonstrating significant skill or knowledge in one or more of these fields might enhance a Courtier's Reputation.
Low Skills are outright dishonourable and no honourable Samurai would dare be caught with even knowledge of such skills. Of course, not all Samurai are honourable, and some low skills have applications that are perhaps tacitly accepted. Low skills generally fall into three subcategoies; dishonesty, dealing with gaijin, and touching flesh.
Merchant Skills are neither high nor low, covering the more mundane skills and knowledges of life. While not dishonourable per se, few Samurai would openly advertise talent with many of these skills.
Bugei Skills are those explicitly taught to Bushi, although those of a less martial bent will certainly study personal defense of some kind; after all, a Samurai lives at all times only three feet from death, whether warrior or courtier.
Monk Skills are skills of a preternatural or overtly supernatural nature. While many Bushi and Shugenja can and do seek these techniques out, their status as requiring special training in both the physical and spiritual mean that not every Bushi can achieve such legendary talents Shugenja stand a better chance of success.
The Tea Ceremony
Tea Ceremony, rather than be a new skill, is a specialisation of Group Performance;
Tea Ceremony: The ability to lead a proper tea ceremony through nuance and example. Prerequisites: Savior-Faire (any High variant), Meditation, Gesture. Default: Savior-Faire -4
Archaeology [While a High skill in theory, actually pottering around in the dirt would class as a Merchant skill at best.]
Armoury [While normally a Merchant skill, craft skills dealing with weapons and armour are considered High.]
Biology [While a High skill in theory, actually pottering around in the dirt would class as a Merchant skill at best.]
Body Language
Carousing [...when used among high society. This can very easily become a Low skill for visiting the sake dens and gambling houses of the City of Lies for example.]
Combat Art [Distinct from Combat Sport, which is a Bugei skill.]
Current Affairs [Except for Business, which is Merchant]
Detect Lies
Esoteric Medicine
Forensics [...useful, but generally considered an oddity ora hobby - See the L5R core rulebook for Rokugan's interesting version of legal process.]
Gesture [Possibly a Bugei skill for scouts of any stripe.]
Group Performance [New specialisation: Tea Ceremony (see above).]
Herb Lore
Hobby Skill
Mimicry [Low skill when mimicing human voices.]
Mind Block
Musical Composition
Musical Instrument
Occultism [Low uses of this skill are covered by Forbidden Lore.]
Pharmacy (herbal)
Public Speaking
Public Speaking
Savior-Faire [ Carousing, when used among high or martial society.]
Speed Reading
Theology [Functions as Thaumatology in this setting.]
Cryptography [...technically. All clans have a cypher, and all warfare is based on deception.]
Erotic Art
Explosives [Gaijin again.]
Forced Entry
Hazardous Materials (The Taint)
Hidden Lore
Intelligence Analysis
Invisibility Art
Linguistics [Why need gaijin language? Considered High if studying the language of non-human races native to Rokugan such as the Naga.]
Lip Reading
Sex Appeal
Sleight of Hand
Urban Survival
Animal Handling
Area Knowledge
Engineer (Artillery, Civil, Combat)
Expert Skill
Freight Handling
Knot-Tying [This skill has several Low uses.]
Leatherworking [Working with the actual dead flesh is a Low skill.]
Market Analysis
Professional Skill
Smith [Considered High for Weapon and Armoursmiths]
Blind Fighting
Breath Control
Combat Sport
First Aid [Contact with flesh is usually considered Low, but the battlefield is an acknowledged exception to the rule.)
Flying Leap
Forward Observer
Melee Weapon
Mental Strength
Parry Missile Weapon
Power Blow
Riding [Also a High skill]
Stage Combat
Sumo Wrestling
Throwing Art
Thrown Weapon
Zen Archery
Body Control
Breaking Blow
Immovable Stance
Light Walk
Pressure Points
Pressure Secrets
Religious Ritual
Random ancestor tables from 2e and 3e
COurtier schools, School final points values
Spells organised by element
Frakking Monks – how do they work?